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Breathable plastic track
Breathable plastic track
The performance of the breathable plastic runway can fully meet the GB/14833-93 indicators, and it is breathable and water-permeable, with a short construction period, easy maintenance and renovation, and the highest cost performance. It is also the first choice for primary and secondary schools. The Xunzhan breathable plastic runway is paved with polyurethane one-component glue mixed with gray rubber particles, and the surface is sprayed with rubber particles EPDM or PU particles and pure polyurethane binder. The color is divided into iron red and grass green (can be adjusted according to user needs) .
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Contact info
Ms wang: +86-15733777001
Sheelley Tian: +86-15733779008
Kazakh agent:Ymangazi 87082396297 87717805450
Add: East Industrial Park, Zhaomaotao Town, Haixing County, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province